Word was going around about the brilliance of the Year 2 student. At the age of 8, he had memorised times table 2 – 12. He could add double digit numbers mentally. Once he understood the concept, give him any number, and he could solve it. He would get so quick in completing his work that he would peek at his next door friend’s work and start answering those as well. Brilliant boy. He obviously needed a challenge.
Fortunately for him, Abedeen’s clinic system allows students to learn according to their capability. And since he is more than able to complete the Year 2 work, now, he helps mentor the other Year 2 students, and has been enrolled into the Year 3 Maths Clinic to ensure that his mind is always working, absorbing new things.
Are you thinking of challenging your child? Visit Abedeen to find out how.
Warm regards from the Abedeen team.