The vision

Tough roads lead to beautiful places. This is the quote I keep in mind whenever I face any challenge. Every distance must have an ending. And so every challenge has a solution.

I will continue expanding my father’s empire as a developer. By 2070, no one else will be homeless as I would have built quality houses at a low cost for strapped Malaysians. The wealth I gain from these projects will be used for my Islam Citizen project. This project will fund Hajj for the underprivileged and the education of orphans. With this empire, more job opportunities will be created and I will use this chance to reduce the unemployment rate amongst Malaysians.

Malaysia has the potential to change the face of the world’s economy. I will start making that change by helping my people, God willing.

Warm regards,

Mohd Sa’ddiq bin Shorbaini, Year 10 student of Abedeen Academy